Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, but I have been busy searching for the perfect summer suit. If I knew how difficult this task was going to be, I would have never begun the search. But I can't stop now, I don't want to show up at the pool this summer with no suit. I am a very picky person when it comes to clothes. I know what I like, which often times seems to hurt more than help. It really chaps my ass how many stores sell their suits solely online or through their catalog. Why the hell heck don't they buck up and stock their stores? It would save me from a long and dreadful process, which goes a little like this.

One new e-mail, From: J.Crew. Subject: ENDS TODAY. 20% OFF & FREE SHIPPING on women's & kids' swim. Online only. I stop in my tracks. Too good to be true? Who knows, but I dive right in. After much contemplation and overanalyzing, I make an unconfident selection from an overwhelming collection of tops and bottoms. Next I fill out seven pages of shipping and billing information. Then I anxiously await for what feels like months for the small package to arrive. The day comes when I get home from work and there it lies. Wrapped tight as ever, requiring scissors or a knife to tear open the damn thing. I nervously pull out the goodies, hoping for the best. Make the quick switch, off with the old, on with the new. To the mirror I run and there I stand. I know immediately it's not right. The top does nothing for me. The bottoms are better than expected, but nope. It's not the perfect summer suit I was looking for. Pissed. Ticked. Trying to determine what is worse? The fucking freaking returning process or the fact that I have to continue my gosh damn darn search.
Sorry for the rant. Morale of the story: Online shopping is a bitch. There I said it. If you have any recommendations, bring 'em on!

(via j.crew)


  1. AMEN. Seriously, the perfect suit is not out there this year. It's like all the bottoms are made for swimsuit models and not real gals. Ulgh.

  2. Argh. That's the worst. I feel your pain.

  3. that suit does look really cute but that's a pain-- note: you can return things you buy online in the store but still sucks. :( you'll find something, you have amazing clothes.

  4. Sarah, I agree. Still no luck with my hunt. Let me know if you find anything worth sharing!

    Jenny, thanks. I actually ended up returning it at the store, which wasn't too bad!
