Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dear, Dear, Dear

Dear Fountain Diet Doctor Pepper,
I crave your first sip far too often. Thank you for providing me with an incredible taste of carbonation. However, if there is anyway you could make me pee less it would be much appreciated!

Dear Fall,
Although I have been trying my best to live in the moment and enjoy one day at a time, this summer heat is getting to me and I am yearning for your presence. I cannot even tell you how excited I am to wear jeans without profusely sweating while putting them on. Come quick,
Anxiously Awaiting!

Dear Onions,
You and I will always have a love/hate relationship!
Your lover/hater,
Upset Stomach

Dear Bloomin' Bucket Masterpieces,
Thank you for being there for me everyday and never failing to put a smile on my face!
Flower Child

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